OS-L series water-cooled air-source ozone generators are mainlyconsisted of compressed air system and purification system (air compressorstation, refrigeration dryer, precision filter, PSA oxygen-rich dryingmachine), ozone system, intelligent power control system and so on.
■ 应用领域
Application areas
1. Appliedto the HVAC system’s air sterilization for the air conditioning and cleaningsystem which required aseptic area in the pharmaceuticals, biological products,genetic engineering, also to the air disinfection and sterilization in the foodindustry’s packaging material and processing plant. It can completely replacethe ultraviolet light irradiation and chemical fumigation, and bring noresidual contamination.
2. Applied to water sterilization andwastewater treatment in the food process, animal husbandry and aquaculture.
3. Appliedin the medium-sized waterworks, reclaimed water advanced treatment, swimmingpool, large marine aquarium, chemical printing and dyeing wastewater andchemical oxidation, etc.
■ 性能特点
OS-L series water-cooled ozone generators are successfullydeveloped from home and abroad advanced design experiments, whose coretechnology is imported from advanced Germany technology. Discharge tube usesthe TA dielectric material.